Circular economy in the solar industry:
How SecondSol extends the service life of a photovoltaic module.

The platform SecondSol shares our goal to extend the service life of PV modules and also promote the establishment of a true circular economy in the field of photovoltaics. SecondSol is the largest PV online marketplace in Europe. You can buy and sell new and used items on the platform. On average, more than 1 million items are available in different categories, ranging from photovoltaic modules, power inverters and storage units to cables and plugs.

SecondSol is also Europe’s largest spare parts distributor. The company stores over 250,000 photovoltaic spare parts across more than 8,000 square metres, particularly new PV modules of earlier performance classes. SecondSol makes all products available through the online marketplace and delivers them worldwide so that you can successfully operate your photovoltaic system for 25 years or even longer. Various repair and cleaning options round off SecondSol’s wide range of services.